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Photos: Boulder community honors 10 killed with flowers and messages

The front of King Soopers glass windows are shattered. Investigation ongoing inside. (Hannah Prince/The Bold)
Members of the Boulder community bring flowers, candles and posters to honor the 10 lives lost. (Hannah Prince/The Bold)
Caution tape is placed around the crime scene. Snow remains on the medians in the Table Mesa Center. (Hannah Prince/The Bold)
The parking lot and areas of Table Mesa Center are blocked off to the public. (Hannah Prince/The Bold)
A Longmont Police Officer stands outside her vehicle in the King Soopers parking lot. (Hannah Prince/The Bold)
The foothills of Boulder are lined with snow in the distance. (Hannah Prince/The Bold)
Crime Scene Units and FBI engage in discussion. (Hannah Prince/The Bold)
A man stands in front of King Stoopers with a sign stating, “Every Gun Murder a Cruxifiction. How Many Must Die Before We Change the Laws?”
A woman, who works across the street and “comes to the King Soopers center every Tuesday,” wipes away tears while she witnesses the aftermath of the mass shooting. (Hannah Prince/The Bold)
Rosa Barron and Osvaldo and Paola Garcia arrive with flowers. Though the family did not know any of the victims, Paola says, “It’s a loss for everyone.” (Hannah Prince/The Bold)
Norman Suazo, an asset promotion officer for King Soopers, rearranges the flower memorial. (Hannah Prince/The Bold)
Norman Suazo, an asset promotion officer for King Soopers, and a bystander move the flowers that were blocking an entrance for law enforcement on the other side of the sidewalk. (Hannah Prince/The Bold)
A Boulder resident places flowers on the fence. (Hannah Prince/The Bold)
Editor Lizzie Weiler of The Bold speaks with Boulder resident Candice Brown, who knew victim Teri Leiker. (Hannah Prince/The Bold)
Laura Masterson pays her respect with sunflowers. Masterson said, “We brought sunflowers because they put a smile on everyone’s face, even on a day, like today, that is absolute shit.”
Laura Masterson is accompanied by her 9-year-old son to pay tribute with sunflowers.
A Boulder resident places roses outside King Soopers. (Hannah Prince/The Bold)
Sunflowers are placed on the fence outside King Soopers. (Hannah Prince/The Bold)
The FBI photographed the King Soopers scene on Tuesday, 3/23. (Hannah Prince/The Bold)
Mourners arrive at the memorial outside King Soopers. (Hannah Prince/The Bold)
A memorial outside Boulder Police Department honors late Officer Eric Talley. (Hannah Prince/The Bold)
Members of the community bring flowers to Boulder Police Department’s headquarters to honor Office Eric Talley, placing them upon the cop car. (Hannah Prince/The Bold)