CUSG Legislative Council: resolution proposed to support more diverse K-12 education
CU Student Government (CUSG) Legislative Council heard a resolution, 97 LCR 07, which supports state efforts to expand K-12 education to include more diverse perspectives of ethnic minorities on Thursday, Nov. 3.

The University of Colorado Boulder Student Government leaders during a Legislative Meeting
(Summer Aljobory/The Bold)
School of Engineering Co-Senator Kimberly Fung introduced a resolution to the CUSG legislative council which would support Colorado state efforts to expand education standards to include the “Histories, Contributions, Culture, and Experiences of Minorities”. Fung discussed right-wing groups’ efforts to remove the mention of LGBTQ+ groups from K-3 instruction in a law entitled, “Don’t Say Gay” to illuminate the importance of the legislation she proposed.
“We need to start thinking about what kinds of students we want at CU,” Fung said.
“I want to be around individuals who are empathetic, well-rounded, have patience and don’t look at me like a stereotype”.
Fung urged fellow legislators and students to attend the public hearing for the Colorado Board of Education next Thursday, Nov. 10..
Fung emphasized the importance of educating future Buffs and the importance of students feeling included and seen.
Several senators voiced their support for the resolution, including Representative-at-Large Sally Webster and Noelia Salazar Acosta. The bill was moved to second reading, after which it is expected to pass next week.