CUSG announces fall 2022 election results after delay
CU 4 All, Dedication and Hector Guerrero win CUSG Fall 2022 elections

CU Student Government election results
(Photo by: CU Student Government Election Commission)
The election results were initially expected to be announced on Friday, Nov. 4, but due to technical difficulties with the new voting system, results were instead announced on Monday, Nov. 7.
The new rank-choice voting system is described as counting every vote for its first choice only. “If enough candidates have more votes than the threshold to win so that every seat is filled, then those candidates win,” according to the CUSG’s official Instagram page.
Candidates are elected if they receive more votes than the threshold and the number of votes they receive in express are added to the total of continuing candidates.
If none of the candidates have more votes than the election threshold, the candidate with the least amount of votes is eliminated–where the votes will instantly count for their voters’ next choice.
“This way, voters aren’t punished for honestly ranking their favorite candidates first,” according to the post.
Poornima Ramesh, CUSG Election Commissioner, said that the turnout was lower than expected, which was the main reason for the sudden transition to a rank-choice voting system. “We prioritized educating voters to vote this election,” said Ramesh.
“Regardless, the commission is incredibly happy with how election week went, and the election is now officially certified.”
Editor’s Note: Trent Devine, one of the Candidates who ran for Representative-at-Large under the Unity for All ticket is a staff writer for The Bold. Devine has refrained from covering CUSG and the election. The Bold and CUSG Election Commission communicated and worked together to ensure neutrality.