Resources for Disability Employment Awareness Month
National Disability Employment Awareness Month is celebrated in October to highlight the importance of creating a fair work environment for all as well as implementing accommodating policies to ensure a more diverse and inclusive workforce.
Here is an article detailing the different accommodations provided by the University of Colorado Boulder and how to access them.

A good first step for students who need academic accommodations is to visit the Disability Services Divisions of Strategic Resources and Support.
“Disability Services is dedicated to providing students with disabilities an equal opportunity to participate in university programs, courses and activities through reasonable accommodations and services,” the Disability Services Divisions of Strategic Resources and Support website states.
To register for academic accommodations follow the steps below:
1. Applicants must first fill out a complete application form
Incomplete applications can make the reviewing and acceptance process take longer. For more information about the application process call 303-492-8671 or email For access to the application for accommodations click here.
In order to be an eligible applicant for accommodations, applicants must submit documentation that falls under the Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 as amended (2008).
For more information about Disability guidelines visit the disability services website here.
2. After filling out an application, students will receive an email requesting the applicant to schedule an Access Meeting.
Each meeting will be around 45 minutes and it will mainly involve discussing accommodations, procedures, and services. It is highly recommended for individuals to submit documentations as soon as possible to make the reviewing process run more efficiently.
Other eligible forms of documentation include: Disability Verification Forms, a letter from a qualified medical professional, psychological evaluation(s), psychoeducational evaluation(s) with standardized test scores, a physician’s medical records, etc.
3. Once applicants receive their “Notice of Determination” they need to submit semester requests in order to send out accommodation letters to their professors.
Applicants should expect to receive a ‘Notice of Determination’ which details the accommodations they qualify for and should expect to receive.
It’s important to note that students need to communicate with professors on their own the necessary arrangements for receiving their accommodations. Instructors cannot provide accommodations to students if they have not been informed of the need in a timely manner.
Disability Services Divisions of Strategic Resources and Support webpage
Additional resources for students, staff and faculty who want work accommodations
A part of getting employee accommodations is going through an Interactive Process. The Interactive Process involves the employee discussing the limitations of their disability to their employer and working together to find a solution on how to best respond to the need for an accommodation.
The Office Of Institutional Equity and Compliance (OIEC) provides accommodations for individuals who may have learning, speech, hearing, visual and or mobility impairments.
To learn more about how to apply for Employee accommodations through the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or to submit your own Employee Accommodation Request Form click here.
If an individual has a medical issue and needs further accommodations for work, a health care provider must fill out this Medical Information Request Form.
If an individual is not satisfied by the accommodations offered they can request for an appeal.