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Recap of 4/20 in Boulder: then and now

On Wednesday, the City of Boulder celebrated one of its most well-known days of the year, 4/20. Boulder has a rich history on this date for decades. 

By Nicole Ruben

Norlin Quad on 4/20, 2010
Photo by Zach Dischner/CC BY 2.0


Editor’s note: The Bold does not endorse the use of underage and illegal marijuana, alcohol and drug use. If you or someone you know are needing help, there are on-campus services including individual counseling, group therapy and meetings and recovery options.


In the early 1900’s, students at CU Boulder posted flyers around campus, urging people to smoke marijuana on Farrand Field on April 20. Since then, this event has evolved into something much bigger than imagined.  

In 1917, Colorado banned the use of cannabis. The laws prohibiting marijuanna lasted a long time, and eventually came to an end in 2000. Coloradans realized more positive affects of weed, such as medical purposes. In 2012, it was legalized for ages 21 and up for recreational use.

Today, the University highly disapproves of the activities that have occurred on campus on the widely celebrated holiday. In 2006, “several thousand students congregated on previously-closed Farrand Field to partake in 4/20 celebrations. Officers hired by CU posted 150 pictures of participants online, offering 50 dollar rewards for positive identifications,” according to Colorado Puffs. Students were ticketed for drug charges or trespassing on Farrand field, which was closed that day. 

In 2009, thousands gathered at Norlin Quad on the notorious day to celebrate. The pot-friendly community took over the grassy area and had a countdown to 4:20 p.m. When the time came, drug paraphernalia was immediately in use and a cloud of smoke formed over the entire outdoor space. It was reported that CU’s Police Department did not make any arrests of attendees and stated that it was orchestrated safely with those involved. 

In 2022, 4/20 in Boulder has some parallels between the past and present. While the University has regulated the campus more on 4/20, the area surrounding—specifically University Hill—has accelerated. Many gathered Wednesday at Beach Park, a public park on The Hill, in celebration of 4/20.  A large crowd filled the entire park, but attendance appeared to be not as big as 2009 event. 

Hundreds gather at Beach Park on 4/20
Photo by Nicole Ruben

Lauren Scott, one Beach Park attendee, stated, “4/20 to me is a day where weed is more normalized and celebrated which helps the stigma around it. Many medical breakthroughs owe a lot of thanks to marijuanna as science has discovered the many benefits of the substance. Part of my celebration of the holiday occurred at Beach Park and continued shortly after with my friends.”

This year, a new way to celebrate and honor Boulder’s marijuanna was created. FridayFitz LLC presented his second show on 4/20 at the Boulder Theater. The lineup comprised RYNE, Ben Beal, Hutty, Jack Moe, Crash_G x MVRS and headliner, MadeinTyo.

Flyer for the 4/20 concert
Source: Sasha Shogren

“I chose 4/20 because although the day doesn’t necessarily mean that much to me, it’s Christmas to Boulder and I love that. The sun is out, the vibes are high, and no one is stopping this town from having fun,” said FitzSimons, a senior at CU Boulder.

FitzSimons was inspired to produce another concert after his first show, the Boulder Festival on 2/17, was a success and has a firm understanding that this town loves to have a good time.

“In my four years in Boulder, I’ve come to realize that this town loves to find any reason to have fun. For example, St. Patrick’s Day might be the most celebrated holiday in this town and the majority of people might not even know what the holiday means,” he said. 

The concert’s lineups hit the stage with an effervescent and vivacious energy. Each artist had a unique sound but all involved the rap genre. The show felt intimate and the openers connected with the crowd so easily. 

Outside of Boulder Theater on 4/20
Photo by Krug Ties

When MadeinTyo, the headliner, appeared on stage the crowd cheered instantly. He played some of his older music, providing an air of nostalgia for the audience. He hyped up the entire audience and created an exciting atmosphere.

“Going to this concert and participating in the 4/20 festivities brightened my day. People in Boulder are always positive, especially about the legalization of marijuanna and it truly was a day of good vibes and ended on a great note seeing the live performances,” said Kendall Hartman, a sophomore political science student, who was one of the concert attendees.

MadeinTYO on stage
Photo by Krug Ties

While the stigma against marijuana use persists today, there are many safer ways to participate in the activity. Being aware of how much weed you ingest is important to know and that it takes about 30 minutes to kick in. It is also important to stay hydrated before, during and after participation. 

If you are taking 4/20 to a higher level, Wardenburg Medical Services on campus provides free Narcan should you have an emergency. Take extra precautions when engaging in these activities.