Magazine Contributors

Tayler Shaw is a senior majoring in journalism and Spanish for the professions and minoring in anthropology and leadership studies. She is from Littleton, Colorado. Her interests include explanatory and solutions journalism on topics ranging from education, culture and community-based issues.

Nicholas Kohler is a senior majoring in journalism with minors in sports media, art history and business. His interests include sports, reading, movies and socializing. He is a member of the fraternity Pi Kappa Alpha. He also is the journalism chair of the Senior Class Council.

Cayden Stice is a senior majoring in history and political science, originally from Longmont, Colorado. Outside of school, Cayden enjoys learning more about local history, along with hiking and spending time with his two Newfoundland dogs.

Christian Fin is the content creator for the Senior Class Council. Originally from Portland, Oregon, he is a junior studying computer science with a minor in leadership. Outside of Senior Class Council, he is also involved in intramural sports.

Connor Rhodes is a member of the media and journalism committees of the Senior Class Council. He is a freshman at CU Boulder studying finance. Outside of Senior Class Council, he is also involved with the Army ROTC and the Leeds Investment and Trading Group.