Editorial: To champion journalistic ethics and standards
“Journalism can never be silent: That is its greatest virtue and its greatest fault. It must speak, and speak immediately, while the echoes of wonder, the claims of triumph and the signs of horror are still in the air.”
— Henry Anatole Grunwald, American journalist and editor
While cultivating my career in journalism over the past four years, Henry Anatole Grunwald’s quote keeps me grounded. He speaks of journalism’s purpose: to not be silent.
Grunwald was an American journalist, best known for his positions as the managing editor of TIME magazine and subsequently the editor-in-chief of Time, Inc. Journalists like Grunwald don’t step into those positions without understanding the responsibilities and moral and ethical implications of their position– and neither do I.
When I was a sophomore in high school, I applied to be a staff writer with little knowledge of the field. Simply, I thought it would be exciting to cover school sports, as I was a competitive soccer player myself. I did not realize the power of the newsroom until the second year as a staff writer when I began reporting on pressing issues, such as mass school shootings, perspectives on mental health, among others. I realized journalism isn’t just gathering and collecting facts, but reflecting common themes that make us human… the ugly and the beautiful. Someone’s voice needs to be heard and a story needs to be told, and that is why I write.
Without journalistic ethics and standards, truth is a façade. Journalists have a responsibility to preserve the principles of truthfulness, accuracy, objectivity, fairness and public accountability.
This last year, as it did for many, presented challenges and brought adversities; however, it also solidified The Bold’s commitment and ability to uphold journalism ethical standards even during chaotic times. I place these standards upon myself and my staff, and I will not jeopardize the autonomy of the press.
As I enter the next chapter of my undergraduate experience, I have decided to run for Student Body President on the Transform ticket, announced on Sunday, Jan. 17. To prevent any conflicts of interest, I have decided to refrain from interviewing, reporting or editing articles relating to CU Student Government because of my affiliation with the Transform ticket.
Additionally, The Bold will not endorse any ticket running in the 2021 election, and other members of the editorial team will advise and mentor our staff writers in lieu of my absence during campaign season.
The Bold continues to foster a culture of honesty, intellectual diversity and conduct reporting with integrity, and I will honor the practices of our newsroom and my work with Transform.